Silverado’s first Colorado project, a 24,000 square foot building built for The Solomon Foundation which will serve as a food bank for “SECOR Cares” a Christian outreach feeding people in need in south Denver. The building consists of a dry food storage warehouse, a market, refrigeration, and office …
Showcase 1
Blakes Lottaburger
Silverado completed a new Lotaburger location with Brycon Construction in July 2018. This local fast food facility is an approximately 3000 sq ft building. We have had great experiences working with Tribal Councils. This project on the Santa Ana Pueblo included a drive-through, a walk-in freezer, …
Taco Cabana
Silverado worked with Hart Construction, owner Mel Sloan, Electrical Engineer Harvey Peel, and personnel from James C Lewis Architectural Firm to design and build this restaurant project. Silverado loves to rise to a challenge. In this case, we had to work within tight constraints that included the …